Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another Fav. - H20 Exfoliation Gel

Repetition makes Reputation and
Reputation makes Customers

When I attended the course of Product Knowledge at Olynn's not so long time ago, I was allowed to try out each product and get familiarized with it. Upon testing it, I straightaway knew that its gonna be my bestseller. True to my word, bila I started bukak mulut to a few of my closest colleague, plus doing a bit of demo on their hand - Impressed was the only word that can described it.

The demo goes like this - at the back of someone's palm (coz you know why kan- bahagian inilah is often darker as it is exposed to the sun bila kita memandu sambil memegang stering kereta): I ambil sedikit H20 exfoliation gel (gel pengelupasan) and then urut/gosok mengikut putaran jam till the skin (bit by bit) keluar in the form that looks very much like daki but lighter in color. There were a lot of ooohs and aaahs coming from my friends' mouth.
  • Dalam kita menjalankan kehidupan seharian, begitu juga dengan kulit muka kita. Kulit muka berganti dan Sel-sel kulit muka yang sudah melebihi anggaran 25 hari, akan mula diganti dengan sel kulit baru. Selalunya our skin on the face jarang tanggal semuanya sekaligus. Kadang-kadang kita akan nampak area di bahagian muka kita bertompok-tompok, kasar, mula menimbulkan masalah seperti jerawat, blackheads dll & tona warna kulit mula tidak sekata.
  • The packaging may be small to some people, but do take note that all great things come in small packages...
    H20 Exfoliation Gel, 20g RM45-00

  • Jika proses penanggalan sel kulit mati tidak berlaku secara semulajadi, maka disyorkan untuk kita exfoliate our skin using the right product, so that if by any chance, we want to use any form of serum, the new skin boleh menyerap serum secara berkesan.

  • Kenapa kita exfoliate...Jawapannya adalah bila kita exfoliate the skin once a week, the process of removing dead skin cell will ensure lighter and brighter facial skin. Using this product, makes it so effortless. As kulit muka kita ini adalah the part where skin is so nipis, sewajarnya kita memilih the right product that is not harsh to the face. Tolong jangan guna produk exfoliation badan untuk kulit muka kita yang halus ini! Whatever is for the body, remained at the body area sahaja.

  • Two most famous ingredients dalam menghasilkan "My Favourite Product" adalah glycolic and lactic acid berasal dari keluarga Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA). Dua bahan asas yang terkemuka ini digabungkan untuk proses penanggalan sel kulit mati. Dengan gel yang kental ini, bila diurut ianya agak senang bagi sel-sel kulit mati melekat dan tanggal bila dibilas dengan air.

  • Selepas kulit muka dibilas, ianya terasa sangat lembut, segar, gebu, I dapat lihat yang my fine wrinkle lines (kat tepi area mata tu) dah berkurangan and this process has increased the skin elasticity PLUS it doesn't harm the skin at all. No side effect at all on me and my could I not love this product!!!! You Tell Me....... You all should meet one of my closest friend, Mas. With us (Mas and me) delightedly experimenting each and every product of Olynn, we definitely come to the same conclusion that unanimously that we've fallen in love with it. When she does the demo on other girls and boys at the office (during our break; that is), combining the shocking reality of seeing the removal of dead skin and Mas' facial and vocal expression (her eyes shine with excitement, and words just keep on coming out from that small pouting lips - which only conclude that the deal is seal). Awesome :)
  • Like what Noor Azlin (Founder/President) has mentioned to me, the whole set of H20 series took about 3-5 years of R&D and was launched in 2006 with an investment of more than RM500,000. True what she has predicted that it's gonna be a hit and well accepted by all, based on The Series' high standard quality inspection done at the lab.
There are still lots more to tell in the blog - I will continue again.
As my husband is away at work, my new year eve was celebrated with my only child. Earlier before I got started on the blog, I had a proper dinner with him. Lets hope that what we have set for year 2009 will be achieveable.
I've just had my first and only new year hug/kiss from my son. And since we have just ended 2008 and now we have began the first 30 minutes in yr 2009, allow me to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. Im also sending my doas to all with a short note as such, to be more loving and caring in our everyday life, sealed it with a prayer to keep us safe, contented & happy in our heart, greater health in our body, abundance of wealth in our life, joy and peacefulness in our home. I sincerely hope that all will be blessed with these lil' priceless treasures.

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Part 2 -More of my Favourite Olynn Products

First of all, i sincerely apologized for the delay in updating the blog.

In between trying to be a Great Mom and weekend homemaker during the off-day, juggling work during weekdays and making the most during the recent Awal Muharram hol, it has sort of dried me up like a prune (ie. in terms of exhaustion; all wrinkle and dried; mind & body).

Let me cerita sikit about Me and my sister, we have always been quite malas in menjaga kesihatan kulit muka. During out early 20s, We usually tidur with our Make-Up on. Yes.. we do a lot of reading, but never practising it. We know that tidur with our makeup ON is a major NO-NO, but we still did it!
What we know is that...apa-apa pun, kalau muka dah teruk, there'll always be famous brand like La Prairie, Clarins, Lancome or place like Sothy's where we can do something about it. That would be able to selesaikan masalah ini. I had faced one recession period during my working time till now, and knowing that next year is gonna be tough...let's face it, bukan ramai yang boleh membeli produk-produk high-end di pasaran sekarang ini. I mesti stay focussed and always be realistic about life. It is not always rosy & sunny di luar sana gals. Luckily, both muka kita orang were not that badly affected by our bad habits. Don't even try this. It is not worth it. Kita mesti learn dari awal to take care of good cleansing habits, personal hygiene and all that personal things that we do in the toilet at our own private time.

As promised, PART 2 - will tell you more of the products that are listed under my favourites. I've enjoyed so far writing this blog and hopefully I would have, maybe impart some of my very few knowledge on Olynn skincare products and healthy cleansing tips/habits to youngsters , teenagers (boys and girls) and also latebloomers like me.

Therefore, if I dapat cari produk like Olynn which is affordable and terbukti berkesan on me, then why not tell people about it, right???? So, let's GET on WITH IT. The sunblock, I'm gonna tell you below; is something that is superb.
H20 Sunblock
  • I love this very much. Kadang-kadang kita ambik sesuatu fakta sambil lewa je, salah satu cara yang paling mudah untuk memutihkan kulit muka adalah dengan memakai sunblock on a daily basis. I sememangnya malas nak memakai sunblock sebelum ini, kerana it always make my face very sticky (melekit) and left me feeling very oily.

  • Ever since, I started using the H20 sunblock - I never lupa to apply it lepas basuh muka in the morning. Walaupun belum mandi, I felt confident to go out and beli breakfast for the family because bila kita apply it, I felt automatically segar and make my eyes and face felt less sembab.

  • It is a known fact that sunblock bukan sahaja menghindarkan kulit kita daripada getting hitam from terik matahari but also menghalang harmful UV ray that can cause cancer and paling ditakuti oleh wanita zaman kita ni ialah "premature aging".

  • After applying it (a few dash of it on your palm makes you feel macam you have just applied a very thin layer of bedak sejuk (BUT minus the tompok-tompok putih and ketul-ketulan bedak sejuk-like what our Granny used to pakai during the old days). This one is very smooth and dries up beautifully. Besides, the H20 sunblock nampak macam diluted susu saje- coz it is white in color) I love it because it makes you looked really natural looking, felt cool and refreshing and dalam masa yang sama, ada protection to the skin. I don't feel oily, no minyak bertompok at the nose area. YES...I can't do without it nowadays. Don't just take my word for it, Try IT gals and guys!!
H20 FULL SET cost RM295-00 that can last about 2-3 months which consists of:
-H20 Cleansing Gel, 100ml at RM40
-H20 Exfoliation Powder, 100g at RM37 (body use)
-H20 Moisturizer, 60ml at RM45
-H20 Revitalizing toner, 60ml at RM45
-H20 Sunblock, 60ml at RM45
-H20 Blemish Control Formula, 10ml at RM38
-H20 Exfoliation Gel, 20g at RM45

In order for the product to work great on you, one must believe in the product,
use the product as per the instruction. Do not try to mix the product with other
brand. In short jangan memandai in the application as we are neither the chemist
nor a certified medical practitioner. As for me, it is very simple - My Motto is
to believe in it, use it accordingly and insya-Allah result will be to your satisfaction.

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Olynn products that I can't do without...

Ramai yang tak sangka I would go full force with Olynn. Memang betui, mula-mula I buat untuk suka-suka (endah tak endah), kalu jumpa orang pun mulut ni berat nak mula berbual (so, camne lagi kalu nak start cerita pasai Produk ini). Mula-mula jumpa Pengasas pun hanya di sekolah anak I. Mula jumpa segan. But she, being the Product for the business, for more than 14 years was very convincing at first, very subtle telling me about her products, invite me over to the office and finally by giving me the traveller pack or some might called a demo pack. Lama lah jugak for me terbukak hati nak try the product. Like I have posted earlier, moi (french for me) mana nak tengok sangat produk local ni. If tengok pun.. sebelah mata je!

Seen here on the above photo are :
- H20 Traveller Pack at RM 84
(Cleansing gel-30ml, Revitalizing Toner-30ml, Moisturizer-30ml, Sunblock-30ml)
- H20 Exfoliation Powder (body) at RM37
- H20 Exfoliation Gel at RM45
- H20 Moisturizer, 60ml at RM45
- H20 Revitalizing toner, 60ml at RM45
- H20 Sunblock, 60ml at RM45
  1. Pendekkan cerita, have tried it, love the beauty formula. Simple je (4 basic necessaties for facial regime :- cleanser, toner, moisturizer and sunblock. Never was very regimented about taking care much about my face. Tapi lately, bila umur dah meningkat...have to seat down and think hard; setting the mindset to start a proper methodology to taking care of oneself. So, here I am starting late, taking care of myself from top to bottom.

  2. I love the H20 series (it's water based, very simple application and terbukti berkesan). Apa yang important here, is that you give yrself 1 week free from yr normal skincare items before you start using H20. This is basically to clear your skin (gv the skin a breather) from the old stuff that u've been using. Bila kita membeli sesuatu produk, we have to believed in the Product and commit ourselves in using it, ya! And not for the following reasonings (ie. because somebody recommended it to you or my sister/friend/aunty is selling it, or best reason of all, to pleased a friend.. etc etc.) PERCAYA PADA PRODUK YANG KITA BELI AND BERAZAM DGN PENUH KESUNGGUHAN DI DALAM CARA PENGGUNAANNYA. Sebenarnya banyak di antara kita ni, yang suka memandai-mandai on the usage of the products but knowledge tak penuh di dada. That shouldn't be the way.

  3. Cara penggunaan H20 amatlah simple. Not only I felt very fresh lepas dah basuh muka, but at the same time, it closes the pores (your skin on the face felt firmer) and TAKDE rasa berminyak on the face throughout the day coz it is water-based. I usually enclosed a manual on the proper direction of usage for each products, when selling it to my customers. One great tip I got from a beautician who uses the H20 moisturizer, after dah siap pakai make-up in the morning, just before stepping out from the house, splash 2-3 drops of the moisturizer on our face. Make-up last longer, you know!!

  4. Of coz, being perempuan kita sentiasa akan naik jerawat (1 or 2 at a time), so to deal with that masalah, comes The Blemish Control, the zit goes flat the next day. Kawan-kawan di pejabat selalu pinjam this produk bila rasa nak naik jerawat. Takpe lah...janji kawan happy kan!!! he he he

  5. Sebenarnya banyak lagi nak cerita about individual products yang dah jadi my personal favourites..., will definitely continue about it tomorrow. Till then, be young at heart, live life to the fullest, berazam & berusaha ke arah kejayaan. Insya-Allah Tuhan makbulkan kejayaan. for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Latest in the Market : - Believe in It


(6 sachets x 20gm)
- RM30 per box

Pre-mixed coffee which act as an additional boost for energy and elevate stamina for a wholesome wellbeing in health.

(5 sachets x 18gm)
- RM 60 per box

Specially designed for the gentlemen to heighten the libido, boost the testerone level, increases body immunization and fights lethargic. Uniquely suited to be consumed with any drinks. Made from mixture of original honey and selected natural herb products. It makes men feels like Real Man!
(60 capsules x 360mg)
- RM 130
Trimmax helps reduce body weight, eliminates wind in the body & assist in keeping bulging tummy to a minimum. It helps people with extra fat in keeping them trim and slim with a suitable body weight whilst at the same time maintaining an energetic and refreshing feeling to run our normal daily activities.

(30 tablets x 500mg)
- RM 90

The seabuckthorn is 100% natural extract that are synonymous with beautiful skin. It is a COMPLETE nutritional product needed for the body such as muscle nourishment, strengthening cell walls, regulate endocrine function, anti-aging properties and most of all, stimulate tissue regeneration.

How It All Started


Beauty is the will to be beautiful.

You have to want it very much (as if it is in the blood and one could smell it from wanting it more than anything) and then; to help this process becoming a reality, comes along with a few selected chosen products. These words were once said by Mrs Lauder when she first started to sell her products.

I have never been svelte or immaculate. The term 'pear shaped' might have been invented for me. I had gained nearly three stone when I was pregnant wiz Eji. And lost only 1 stone since he was born. A fact of which I was constantly reminded by my only child who is delighted by grabbing mounds of flesh in his lil hand and shouting "Mummy you are fat around this area".Being me, from a very young age of 15, I honestly preferred buying products from overseas (ie. from skincare, food snacks, to the more recent activities such as clothing and shoes for eji, bags, etc etc), but come tis year's birthday, I've decided to go local, natural as much as possible. This new resolution was applauded by my son as his final chapter at Chiltern covers the topic. This applies to our way of life too (from recycling things, switching the aircond less, quitting the gym & hatta yoga :-(, closing in more to the circle of old friends- to creating new ones, start cooking and baking more often for da family, attend more family gathering, keeping in touch with new and old, giving to our jiran next door the sweet bakes- not just during Puasa and many more). This idea was raised by both me and my husband as to exposing my son to different specks of life. I want him to have a more fuller, realistic expectation colorful perspective in daily routines. We are not changing the way to our norm lifestyle but just the mindset. Of coz, the whole thing MUST start first with mummy (It made me shudder).

With 40 just being round the corner, bodily shape often does not look like they used to. So, since everything is expensive (and the domestic economy looks kinda bleak) plus the fact that there are definitely loads of work to do on me, which at the end would be costly...I've decided to go realistic. I've done a complete research one after another on these local brands of skincare and cheaper toiletries...(to name a few from SKII, Sothys to Shiseido and further experimenting down along Maybelline & Loreal to a particular local brand called Olynn, Toiletries from Oral B, Boots to Himalaya brand and Colgate Safi, AND OPI to cutting my nail short and stubby)....WOW that were pretty drastic!

But what can I are everywhere (ie. di kaki lima whilst waiting in full sweat during lunch for a cab at one of the first shopping complex in KL-the ever sweet old Ampang Park, or at the long queue in Giant or Cold storage) recession is gonna HIT us hard next year-imminent! We are constantly reminded of all things related..grocers maintaining their price even when oil price has gone down, and that some serving in the government agencies are living below poverty level (that's with housing support, mind you)...factories and overseas rep offices are closing down......that scares the light out of me. Following are the few drastic actions : Evaluate, assess and select the options on skincare that are available, maintaining a satisfactory result. At the same time, I wanted to do something (though I might be a latebloomer in biz venture). I WANT EXTRA CASH to enable me secretly (when away from son and husband) to maintain what I am used to (splurged once in a while on great bargains, vacation twice a year etc). My friends have been urging me to dabble in simple biz venture that I would enjoy and don't get all twisted in knots at the end of the day) and after endless persistance from two ladies who coincidently name Lynn, ie that is with all the pleading, whining and their confidence, Believing in the products, and wanting to do good to others - got me started in taking quick cosmetology lessons. I learnt about doing facial, product knowledge etc. Geez...I am taking this quite seriously, but you know what... all the learning and what I found out later on doing actual facial to a person, is ... IT IS very therapeutic for me! Away from all the office stressed, chaotic world, traffic only need to concentrate doing the facial, strokes and circular motion movements and seeing that the customer is satisfied and felt refreshed from it all, was optimum for me.

On a personal note, im a person who stand taking affordable supplement, natural dieting product...huh???!!!!-This is a MUST for me, exercising wiz my son and hubby, enjoying more family time together, selalukan praying to God Almighty. Im not promoting this particular skincare product, but after knowing the Founder of this local skincare product, whom is now a close friend of mine, with her doing the demo on me, and ME believing in the products....(i was terrrrrribly skeptical at first coz i've always looked down with a smirked), all I can say is Alhamdulillah,Yes it has changed my way of life, how I see things. I love the products, it worked perfectly on me, especially the Exfoliation Powder: it has miraculously scrubbed off the darken area (in malay, berdaki - that is) near the pelipat kulit at the private area-pantyline area, tempat berkerak at the underarms- has all gone bye-bye; kulit berkerak is long gone now and most of all, I found out that I do have a forte in doing facial on friends' faces (I get all excited-tied in knots; when asked to do so), traditional massages etc. I love seeing people happier on the result of the facial. As I have always been a result-oriented, introducing these products to my office friends, I have gotten raving reviews about it. I truly enjoyed seeing my friends faces becoming more beautiful that ever, some said their womanly discharge get clearer and more healthier, sex life get better (ehhh who are we kidding, we are gonna touch 40 next year), friends who have successfully losing weight; berat badan turun by about 6kg in a month (heck...we are not talking Heidi Klum here...more like Oprah maybe in 2007). Who knows one day I might just end up opening a spa of my own, right???? he he he
In short, I no longer judge a book by its cover- I see everybody as an equal, more radiant and younger looking skin, slimmer and calmer me, less stressed, take time to look at an issue, de-fragment it slowly and find avenues without being hype about it, friendship is more open for me (I do not pilih bulu dulu, but now accepts easily friendship from the cleaner or the office tea lady). Yeahhhh.....I'm now a Better ME and deliriously happy about it.