Saturday, January 31, 2009

...CLUELESS about Cbuckthorn?

There's lots of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven't the time to enjoy it. ~Josh Billings

Haruskah I ambil dietary herbal supplement called CBUCKTHORN.

Haruskah I ambil kapsul vitamin atau lain produk supplement diet sebagai sebahagian daripada permakanan harian kita? Bukankah kita boleh mendapatkan segala khasiat vitamin & galian dari apa yang kita makan.

Daripada I menjawab soalan ini terus dgn jawapan YA atau TIDAK, I opt for MAYBE. Memang sahih tidak ada pengesahan daripada penyelidikan yang dibuat bahawa jika kita ambil supplement (be it, dietary or vitamin), kita tidak akan dijangkiti penyakit kronik. However, taking supplements will help ensure you are getting enough of nutrients that may be missing from your daily diet.

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet should provide you with all of the individual nutrients you need. Malangnya, tidak semua daripada kita yang mempunyai permakanan yang menyeluruh. For example, I am a person who hate fruits and vegetables, jadi semestinya saya tidak akan mendapat zat vitamin C yang mencukupi dan sama juga dengan sahabat saya yang tidak suka minum susu, maka dengan pantas kita akan membuat analisa sendiri bahawa beliau kekurangan kalsium dalam diet harian beliau. Semestinya saya & rakan kerja saya perlu mengambil Cbuckthorn sebagai pelengkap nutrisi kami. And yes, we both took cbuckthorn twice in a day (1 capsule in da morning and 1 at 6pm).

Mengambil multivites dalam jadual harian bukanlah menyusahkan atau mahal, malah amat senang sekarang ini especially as it is easily found on the rack at pharmacy or supermarkets, in various bentuk seperti kapsul, tablet, serbuk atau energy bars or drinks, with that; kita tahu bahawa badan akan mendapat vitamin & galian yang perlu.

Apa itu CBuckthorn :

Supplement Herba Tambahan ini dikatakan mempunyai nilai perubatan yang tinggi. Amat tinggi nilainya dari sumber asli Vitamin E. Ia adalah berbeza dari vitamin atau supplement garam galian. Herba atau pohon renek botanik adalah salah satu konsep perubatan yang tertua diketahui manusia dan asas untuk banyak ubatan moden. As what we have normally read, zaman primitif dan tamadun kuno dahulu kala banyak menggunakan herba untuk mempercepatkan proses sembuh, sepertimana yang sediakala diamalkan oleh sesuatu budaya di sekitar dunia. In fact, the World Health Organization has estimated that 80% of the world's population continues to use traditional therapies, a major part of which are derived from plants.

Cbuckthorn adalah ekstrak herba semulajadi yang berfungsi sebagai pelengkap nutrisi yang diperlukan oleh tubuh badan.

Isi Kandungan Utama :
  1. Seabuckthorn - Jenis pohon beri yang mempunyai kaedah nutrisi & vitamin yang tinggi dalam menyembuhkan penyakit. Buah beri cbuckthorn mengandungi lebihkurang 10 vitamin yang berbesa dan sisa elemen asid buah, gula & minyak. Ianya kaya dalam protin dan mengandungi 18 asid amino.

  2. Lycium Seed Oil - Dari segi kecantikan, minyak benih lycium dapat mencantikan & mengurangkan parut di kulit muka. Juga boleh mengurangkan risiko arteri tersumbat, darah tinggi & merendahkan kadar kolesterol dalam badan.

  3. Cordyceps - Memperkuatkan sistem imunisasi badan. Enhancing and strengthening of the immune system. Cordyceps is supposed to increase the number of the Natural Killer Cells, which are responsible for the body defense against viruses and bacteria. Some trials show that the fungus works effectively in the leukemia stricken individuals. Juga terbukti dalam memperhebatkan fungsi seksual pada leaki dengan menambahkan hormon seks yakni bermakna ianya bagus dalam membenteras kemandulan. Mempertingkatkan pembinaan tisu otot dan prestasi fizikal. Those Chinese athletes, who use Cordyceps, tend to show better results than the other sportsmen. Dan akhir sekali, mengandungi kesan anti-penuaan dan mengurangkan rasa mudah letih. The fungus works as an antioxidant and increases cellular formation, especially in the elderly patients. It also promotes more restful sleep, soothes the nervous system, and reduces anxiety, thus working as a sedative.

  4. Ginseng - Research has also shown that ginseng can boost the effectiveness of antibiotics and flu vaccinations, has also been shown to reduce blood sugar levels to reasonable levels for people who have type-2 diabetes, correcting erectile dysfunction, lowering the risk of cancer, and dozens of other health conditions.

Khasiat produk ini :

(lelaki & perempuan)
Memandangkan yang produk ini adalah pertama seumpamanya di dunia.....

    • membantu menambahkan tenaga
    • membantu mengawal selera makan
    • memperbetul sistem tubuh badan
Terutamanya kepada kaum perempuan
  • membantu sistem dalaman wanita
  • membantu dalam keintiman suami isteri
  • membantu mengawal bau badan

Amalan - amalan sihat yang perlu diambil kira
bila mengambil Supplemen Tambahan "CBuckthorn":
  • Cuba untuk mendapatkan diet yang sihat & menyeluruh. Dengan mengambil Cbuckthorn tidak bermakna kita boleh amalkan diet yang tidak sihat dan berharap agar ianya dapat melengkapkan diet permakanan harian kita. For me, I have cut down on junk-food, masakan yang berlemak dan berminyak. Saya juga lebih fokus dan peka ke arah permakanan nutrisi yang mempunyai jumlah yang tinggi seperti sayuran & buahan, produk low-fat dairy, daging tak berlemak, ikan, kekacang seperti dal. I tried to cut down on my chicken intake but sometimes I do indulged dengan 1 bucket of KFC with the family.

  • Memang sudah menjadi kebiasaan sifat manusia. Jika sesuatu produk itu terbukti berkesan, maka secara automatik, kita akan mengambil dalam dos yang tinggi. Disini, ingin saya tegaskan supaya jangan mengambil dos supplement diet yang berlebihan. Hanya untuk info, sebahagian daripada vitamin seperti D, A & B6; jika diambil berlebihan dan dalam jangkamasa yang lama adalah tidak baik untuk kesihatan.

  • Jangan lupa, banyak minum air masak/warm water pls!

  • Harus ikuti arahan pengambilan dos seperti yang tertera pada label. Ini penting. Fahami dengan betul kandungan label. Seperti yang disebut pada label, supplemen tambahan akan memberi kesan tertentu pada struktur and fungsi di bahagian badan. Ianya tidak pernah memberi kenyataan bahawa ianya dapat menyembuh sesuatu penyakit. Khususnya seperti supplemen diet, jika ianya berkesan pada badan seseorang, tidak bermakna akan memberi kesan yang sama pada diri kita! Betul tak??? Maybe, pada diri kita akan mendapat reaksi yang agak perlahan. So brace yourself and do take it slow :)

  1. Kulit muka more radiant looking. Not too dry or oily.
  2. Jika dulu I mudah letih, tidur awal but nowadays I can go on till around 2am. (once again, stop giving me that dirty look ok)
  3. Melancarkan perjalanan darah
  4. improve and make sex with our halal partner even better coz kita dah tak mudah rasa letih
  5. mengurangkan rasa sakit senggugut semasa datang haid
  6. badan rasa ringan (coz with combination of trimmax & cbuckthorn) coz kita banyak kentut - buang angin, perut pun tak buncit & rasa kembung
  7. for those yang ada discharge or keputihan, pengambilan yang berterusan selama 3 bulan (at least) dapat mengurangkan, malah ada yang mengesahkan bahawa penyakit yang mereka alami selama ini terus hilang

Thoughts to Ponder:
Ingin saya mengingatkan semula kepada semua pembaca. Oleh kerana produk ini sangat berkesan kepada saya tidak bermakna ianya akan memberi kesan yang sama kepada semua pengguna. Like for instance, one of my girlfriend and my sister were feeling a bit giddy on the first day. The next day, they were up and about like normal! So, remember Tuhan telah mencipta kita dan setiap individu adalah berbeza dari semua segi.
Anda semua mesti akur dgn mengambil dos yang betul seperti yang disarankan. Remember, Olynn Marketing would have done a proper research on this, therefore do follow the instruction and do not get carried away with excitement, when you have seen the result that you wanted! Produk ini diluluskan selamat dimakan tanpa kesan sampingan oleh KKM, HALAL dan dihasilkan di kilang berstatus GMP.

Harus saya ingatkan juga bahawa JIKA anda mengalami kesan reaksi yang agak negatif dlm masa yang berpanjangan, tolong berhenti. BUT SO FAR, I takde menerima sebarang aduan yang negatif. You must listen to what the body is saying to you. One does not need to suffer to be healthy, ok. I harap dalam masa yang sama, you'd promised yourself that you would also want to keep track of any health benefits you experience after taking cbuckthorn so that you may be able to contribute something to ongoing research on it. Janganlah ada di antara kita semua harapnya, yang akan war-warkan berita yang negatif kepada orangramai.
Apa kata mulai sekarang, kita war-warkan berita tentang kejayaan kita dengan cbuckthorn pulak!

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

DIET - Self improvement or Self Destruction

Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections. Saint Francis de Sales

The Success Story

I don't diet. I just don't eat as much as I'd like to. ~ Linda Evangelista. All throughout my life selama ini, I know that diet pills telah dijadikan sumber bahan rujukan utama dan harapan for toi et moi plus sebahagian besar group of overweight people out there.

Not forgetting, for another half; it is a constant annoyance bila terbaca atau terdengar tentang pengalaman buruk pihak pengguna tentang "Diet that has gone WRONG".

Pihak media juga memainkan peranan penting dalam menggembar-gemburkan artikel yang memfokus pada kesan negatif "dieting" pada lelaki baik pun perempuan yang telah mengambil atau menyalahgunakan kapsul diet yakni mengakibatkan kerosakan organ dalaman, kesan psikologi yang berlarutan dan juga ada yang tidak bernasib baik, perjuangan untuk menjadi cantik berakhir dengan maut. So, is dieting a self-improvement or self-destruction???

Apa Faktor yang mempengaruhi Pemikiran Kita ?

Kenapa masyarakat masa kini terlalu obses untuk kurus? I may just have the answer for that : (contributing factors to the answer are mainly due to us watching TVreading trash mag ..yup thanks to Mrs Solis (in size 0), Susan (Teri Hatcher) from Wisteria Lane. Then on, in the pursued to knowing more, I continued browsing some local magazines & watching TV, I've noticed that half of its content are mostly advertorial urging us to loose that extra kilos, in the pre-text : "THIN IS IN"-bila when kita sudah berjaya menghilangkan lebih kurang 20 paun berat badan yang berlebihan itu - The thing we had in mind is that = We have achieved it all !! (a perfect bod to a perfect marriage, loving children, great sex & rewarding career); The culture of thinness sudah ada di dalam minda kita sejak kita kecil lagi (even worst now - seperti yang diceritakan dlm Oprah - even as young as 8 yrs old) & now especially, it has spread widely at corporate level especially in New York that if kita kurus lampai & lawa, chances are that these beautiful people will move ahead fast in the corporate ladder....Betul Tak???

The Whirlwind Romance with Dieting-How it Started?

To be frank, selama yang I ingat, for years and years ago; I had been going on numerous attempts untuk diet (liquid diet, protein diet only dll). With a body categorized under pear-shape, I selalu tengok myself as gemuk as the area around peha adalah agak besar (ada saddle-bag). Weight loss for me have always been a limbo (mcm Oprah tu). There were a lot of phases that I endured throughout these attempts (after uni. graduation, one stage when I was complacent with work, dating, when I wanted to join MAS as a stewardess, before marriage, then in my early 30s right soon after delivery when my weight was at 86kg etc, terlalu gembira with life at one point & late last year bila rasa old & fat dll).

The Solution & Changing of the Mindset

For me, the positive effect that Trimmax of Olynn Intimate Series has when you want to lose weight, is by acting like an appetite suppressant, is undisputed. Previous attempts telah mengakibatkan bad, moody temper & asyik marah kat sesiapa yang datang dekat, kept on feeling high on anxiety, edgy and nervous, but with Trimmax capsule I have no side effects - and I do not even crave for chocolates and sweet things. NOW I am much contented, I am slowly loosing my weight, my tummy is not that bad for somebody who is 40 with 1 kid; not to drastic though plus I do selang-selikan with light exercise. I'll let you all into my secret - it's thanked to Trimmax of coz (bn taking that about less than 1 yr), making dieting a breezed!! :o)

APA ITU TRIMMAX - ianya mempunyai formula yang unik lagi luarbiasa, in which a blend of various pure herbs and natural ingredients are combined to create this remarkable product. Mengandungi rangkaian tanaman herba seperti serai, halia (baik untuk buang angin di badan), lada hitam dan Acorus calamus (jenis herba akar kayu) yakni sering didapati di northern Asia Minor, southern Siberia, China, Japan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Australia, southern Canada and northern USA.

RM 130-00 (60 capsules x 360mg)

My Methodology on Dieting

Walau bagaimanapun, amalan diet ini bukanlah semuanya a "happy process". I guessed coupled with matureness in age (huh...bila dah tua le tu yang i maksudkan), rational thinking and lots of reading -you all akan perasan bahawa amalan diet ini bukanlah hanya getting rid of that extra love-handle, able to fit ke size 0-6, pill-popping that diet capsule....THERE ARE MORE INTERNAL EFFORT TO IT, you know!

Before I started with TRIMMAX, I had mentally prepared myself to set a realistic goal. Analyze your body and don't get wild ideas that by consuming it, you'll end up looking like Heidi Klum. Mentelaah sikit pasal BMI (body mass index), buat kiraan, and try our best to get close to the perfect figure in accordance to our ketinggian. Dgn cara ini, Insya-Allah bentuk badan yang kita impikan mampu termakbul. Ini tidak, kebanyakan daripada kita have already set ridiculous weight target. Bila kita tak mampu untuk kecapi atau meneruskan diet ini, it will just dampened our spirit and perasaan ini akan terus menjunam into that big black hole, YET AGAIN! Akhir sekali adalah yang paling penting, Willpower. Your willpower MUST be strong and kental.

Plus for most of us yang bekerja, bila balik kita harus ke dapur untuk masak for the family. Married to a malay man, I pun akan masak makan malam but it is my willpower that stopped me from makan with my hubby (I do rasa secubit here & there). Sepatutnya kita harus makan bersama untuk mengekalkan kehangatan rumahtangga, but I akan temani dia sepanjang waktu makan malam. Jgn risau, masih boleh bermanja whilst waktu makan pun. Try putting your feet on his lap sambil suami makan, sendukkan lauk & really talk. (uhmmmmm...enough said... I am not Dr Love, ok). Use your imagination but para isteri, janganlah buat sesuatu sehingga suami tercekik tulang ye!!! Susah jugak untuk I meyakinkan suami I about this chapter. There are lots of trial and error. Jelaskan pada sang suami dan doa agar beliau restukan permintaan ini. YES...a blessing from your husband is important, as it will determine success or failure.

My Simple Steps on How to Go About it & Succeed - :)
  • A diet is more than just eating less to lose weight quickly. Take 1 day at a time. Jgn biarkan diri kelaparan. Take it slow as we are in the infancy stage lagi. If you think of a diet as a temporary solution, you might lose a few pounds but will eventually quit because the changes you're trying to make are too much to handle. Terapkan dalam pemikiran harian bahawa pilihan diet yang kita ambil ini akan berjaya, keep on thinking positively - you're a lot more likely to succeed. I know I tak akan berjaya tanpa Trimmax. Bila I tak rasa lapar, then dieting rasa senang.
  • Buang sedikit makanan harian yang berlemak, bergoreng (simple things), mee kuning and you'll see a few pounds drop off right away. Tukar cara permakanan perlahan-lahan, nothing drastic. Gradually start cutting out junk foods (pringles, KFC, McD).
  • Banyakan sayuran, buah-buahan & white meat (change from suka steak ke ikan apa jenis pun)
  • Perlu ambil nutritional supplement (kerana sometimes bila kita go on diet, body lacking of vitamins & mineral- langkah berwaspada ini adalah agar rambut tak gugur, gigi & gusi sihat dll)
  • Macamana malas sekalipun, kita harus khaskan lebih kurang 30mins of light exercise. Increase the duration gradually.
  • Kepelbagain tetapi secara moderasi (amalan Nabi) are also important elements of a good diet.

Last but not least, should you try the same, please do not get frustrated if it does not work well on you. Satu lagi yang I sering buat adalah eyeing on a super gorgeous dress that you memang mampu beli tapi takde size yang muat.

Be a strategist when dieting, u r in control and go with your gut instinct. Biar diet plan kita lambat untuk nampak kesannya, tapi tidak memudaratkan kesihatan.

Apalah gunanya jika kita berjaya kurus tapi kesihatan terganggu. So, think about it, Keep on trying! Be happy with the outcome. Bottom line, sendiri mesti fikir what is good for you.

Dont take my word for it, Just try the product.

Happy trying.

p/s: Trimmax also has helped my girlfriend Puan Azizan from Gombak to shed that extra weight. I'll what I can do. If I do get her permission, then I will post her before and after photo.

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Kepelbagaian Soalan - Why, Why, Why....????

Is skincare Necessary-KENAPA ADA BANYAK JENIS??? What is deionised water????

Kita selalu berhadapan dengan berbagai persoalan dalam kehidupan seharian yang bermula dengan kenapa... why, why, why...... Baru-baru ini I was confronted with a persoalan di mana before I could answer it, the penyoal has given a conclusion that if Olynn is unable to make her skin look radiant, then she would opt for just having a vitamin c injection je laaa.
By all means, the option is open widely for anybody to buy 1 box of Vitamin C : (6 ampoules of 1g/6ml) of Laroscorbine by Bayer at, say the cheapest is RM120. Simple calculation here, making RM20 per ampoule & to administer the shot by a medical practitioner would cost a mere RM 20-30 per visit. One need to have the shot once a week, totalling roughly between RM240-RM300.

Persoalan Why...why ...why is often a dilemma!! We can throw our hard-earned cash to "high-end products", jabs and all BUT if the expensive products is not suitable to yr skin & kita sendiri never take that extra miles/initiatives to jaga our skin (expecting that the injection would do the works), then we are tackling it WRONGLY!! Boleh dikatakan bahawa skincare products ada di merata tempat (Guardian, kedai ubat cina, huge departmental stores dll). If kita mampu, why not - then there will be people who'd opt for Vit C jabs, laser peel, and of coz the latest craze being ....what on earth is all this talk about spa skincare etc. All this can truly be somewhat overwhelming kan!

Kadangkala it is somewhat frustrated to help educate orangramai when mereka semua cuma fikir fast result sahaja. Langsung tak endah about product ingredients, being cost effective (don't they know that economically , it is not that strong to be spending much etc. Kenapa...hah??? I, personally have tried most in the market (creme de la mer, SK II, sothys, dermalogica dan lain-lain). FINALLY, I've found safe, water-based products that would cost a fraction of it (ie. RM 175 for a full set of 4- 60ml bottles of basic necessaties) and does wonders to my face.


Deionized water yang digunakan dalam pembuatan H20 Series adalah purified water yang telah disuling/tapis by other processes including reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, microporous filtration, ultrafiltration, ultraviolet oxidation, or electrodialysis (air yang telah ditapis dari segala kompaun kimia even free of bacteria!). Ianya adalah air that has had its mineral ions removed, such as cations from sodium, calcium, iron, copper and anions such as chloride and bromide. Deionization is a physical process which uses specially-manufactured ion exchange resins which bind to and filter out the mineral salts from water. Because the majority of water impurities are dissolved salts, deionization produces a high purity water. MEMPUNYAI BANYAK FAEDAH SEPERTI :
  • Daya serapan yang lebih tinggi dari air biasa. Cepat menyerap ke sel & tisu kulit muka kita.
  • Deionized water is also used as a medium or additive in many pharmaceutical or cosmetic products, desired for its low chemical reactivity
  • This is what I often buat di ofis, bila I mula rasa mengantuk or malas (after lunch), I would take 4-5 dropsof H20 moisturizer and splashed it on my face. NAK TAU KENAPA: deionised water akan menyegarkan kulit muka saya, mental alertness & make-up last longer.


  • Tanamkan pada diri anda bahawa skincare is NECESSARY coz I am worth it! And because we are worth it, jalan yang terbaik untuk ditampilkan pada diri kita ialah dengan menyayangi dan memanjakan kulit muka kita! Kadangkala kita ni ada masanya do act lebih kurang mcm Patrick dalam siri karton spongebob...BLUR selalu!!! Must ambil langkah-langkah untuk mengenali jenis kulit kita and apa yang diperlukan.
  • Penjagaan kulit muka adalah penting kerana kulit muka setiap orang adalah unik. Terdapat berbagai jenis kulit muka seperti berminyak, kering, sensitif, combination dll
  • Kadang-kadang jenis kulit muka juga berubah kategorinya kerana beberapa sebab seperti puberty, mengandung, menopaus, & selalunya for the married ladies, when using birth control devices jenis kulit yang kita pernah alami adalah bila kulit berminyak- celah hidung akan jadi flaky, when dry skin (kelembapan pulak kurang), sensitif skin (tiba-tiba in da morning, bila tengok cermin - timbul pulak one swelling & kemerahan). Ada juga pernah I tengok, pabila kulit muka yang jenis kering (never make an effort to do something about it) bertukar jadi kulit tebal and timbul pulak ruam kecil plus a bit gatal.
Semua ini boleh diperbaiki or dielakkan jika kita menjaga kesihatan muka kita dengan proper skincare product.

All the above are some tips when our skin start to show some sort of internal imbalance. Jangan ambil tak endah about tis. These various type of skincare product available in the market is necessary to ensure proper balance is given to the skin and getting it back closes or back to normal.

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

SELAMBA HI-TEA (Gentle Reminder)


Jom semua teruskan membaca blog yang
dicipta khas bagi pelanggan setia.
Terus daftar diri sebagai "blog followers"
untuk mendapatkan tip-tip kecantikan,
tip untuk menghangatkan kembali
rumahtangga kita,
kenali produk yang terbukti berkesan, dll.

Hebahkan kepada semua teman OK .
Bagi Yang Berminat untuk memulakan
bisnes, come set a date & kita jumpa
dlm suasana santai
bersama di Selamba Hi-Tea.

Seats are LIMITED. Do be the 1st 10 to register as a Followers
to enable confirmed seats and goodie bags.

Selamba Hi-Tea yang bakal
diadakan ini adalah untuk meraikan
tali rangkaian persahabatan/pekerjaan,
merapatkan silaturrahim, berkongsi pengalaman,
sessi suaikenal/interaksi dengan semua yang hadir,
menderma sambil membeli (10% of proceed goes to Mercy M'sia)
sessi Kenali Produk Olynn,
sebagai BONUS tambahan.....
Insya-Allah, akan kita raikan sessi berjumpa Pengasas
agar semua mendapat
rujukan & nasihat daripada beliau.

Banyak aturcara yang cun telah disediakan....
Bagi 20 org pertama menghadiri Hi-Tea,
bakal menerima doorgift/cenderahati!!!
-diskaun untuk HOT produk,
-diskaun untuk set pakej,
-diskaun voucher untuk belian ulangan,
dpt menemubual rakan2 testimoni,
produk demo & menganalisa
kulit bersama konsultan.


This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. A mode of conduct, a standard of courage,
discipline, fortitude and integrity can do a great deal to make a woman beautiful.- - - Jacqueline Bisset

First of all, I nak thanked all you for reading the blog. Whole purpose of to share, lets create a bigger network by sharing our knowledge to others.

Today's lesson, to be beautiful, Start emailing this blog to 20 of your closest friends/relatives to create a "beautiful you" (both inside and out). BUT how do we become beautiful.....
  • Seek beauty around you (make note of things or people that strike you as cantik, lawa, menawan, gorgeous etc)
  • Mengenalpasti the beauty on yourself (pandang cermin and really look hard - beauty yang hidden and subtle) - my son said that my eyes is beautiful - yet I know that the skin under the eyebrow has sagged, lips, my even skin tone... the list goes on.....
  • Enhance the physical beauty and feel it (mulakan ia dengan experiment where you accentuate your kecantikan - learn how to do correct shading, applying the right color of concealer untuk tona warna yang sekata pada kulit kita dll). Trust yourself. Often, people gives horrible judgement (it could be due to jealousy), don't let their ignorance ruin your happiness!
  • Develop your inner beauty - ini penting - like what i said earlier, what we've learnt from the tips, beauty knowledge - mari kita berkongsi sama. Beauty never lasts. Dengan hati yang bersih, integriti yang tinggi akan membina karektor yang beautiful becoz' the inner beauty will always menyerlah, never fade, berkedut or turn gray.
Now, bila kita rasa we are beautiful (luaran & dalaman)- let us all create pulak beauty outside of ourselves. Lets inject beauty in whatever we do. Trust me, this is extremely satifying pursuit that not only we are trying to hidup di dalam dunia yang lebih indah yet beautiful, ini akan membawa matlamat dalam aspek beauty (kecantikan) kita to a full circle. Very enriching feeling, you know.

Im gonna tell you about one of my friend whom has become a closest confidant in my small circle of friendship. To know, at first, Mas as a colleague is nice (she's loud, gempal, jovial, garang) but able to become close friend to her was actually a privileged because in my eye, she is beautiful, courages and full of heart. External beauty is not dependent upon weight or upon age. A woman can be beautiful at any weight and at any age, if she takes care of her body & mempunyai nilai-nilai positif yang menyerlah seperti keyakinan, pemurah & punyai perasaan belas ikhsan. To me, this is how I see Masliza Shamsuddin.

Mas has agreed to grant us her approval to upload her "BEFORE" & "AFTER" photo. Last year, after she had encountered a bit of humiliation due to her pudginess (gempal), she was determined to loose weight and look different. With her very strong willpower, she has enrolled to the gym at KLCC, then start looking seriously at skincare products and finally choosen O'lynns H20 and Intimate Series (Cbuckthorn-supplement & trimmax).

In between, she made a point to meet Puan Noor Azlin (the founder) and was diagnosed of her skin type, tona, texture and problem areas. Kata Puan Noor Azlin, paling penting yang Mas perlu ingat adalah - Kunci untuk kulit muka yang flawless adalah tona kulit yang sekata. Bukan applikasi of perfect eye make up atau the right shade of lipstick color. Rutin kecantikan yang paling penting adalah untuk mendapatkan tona warna yang betul pada kulit muka kita. The trick here is make it appear as if you are not wearing sebarang alat solek di muka anda.

Below are a few steps untuk mendapatkan tona warna yang sekata pada kulit muka kita given by Masliza, part of her sharing her knowledge in beauty:-

  1. Exfoliate (proses penanggalan sel kulit mati)
  2. Manjakan kulit kita dengan pelembap, sunblock, masker etc
  3. For dry skin, do wear tinted sunblock, then apply foundation evenly
  4. Cover up the under eye circles, blemishes and red spots with the correct concealer (juz dot a few to tutup thin line of the urat-urat biru /thin blue veins around da face
  5. If you are not into applying eye shadow, try to apply thin line of celak di bahagian atas & bawah mata using pencil liner
  6. Very light blush, just to bring the color out
  7. Then she's off to see the world




Ini semua adalah berkat usaha Mas dalam tempoh masa 3-4 bulan sahaja. Cekalkan willpower to kurus, then work on taking extra effort on the skincare.

For me, I truly say that Masliza's effort is pretty amazing!
So' you out there...bila lagi......

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Here's 2 The Pilots that Weathered da Storm - A Salute to All of You

When you design it, think how you would feel if you had to fly it! Safety first!
  1. My personal impression is very much stereotype. The image of an airline pilot is nicely uniformed older gentleman who flies a large aircraft for a major airline. Although this type of pilot is still common in Malaysia, today there are many more different kinds of airlines and business jet aircraft, all needing new generation of qualified younger hunks but I am not excluding the current matured (don't worry, you guys! The older ones are still handsome AND remains a favourite of all time), skilled pilots.
  2. Just for your info. (bet you knew about it, too), passengers loves staring at the 4 big golden stripes located at your jacket. Though we don't you call by your name, coz we acknowledged you as the Commander (and you earned it and we extend it as a form of respect....), so we called you by the Rank of Mr."Captain". NOW, Mr Captain...may I inform you that upon seeing the stripes, the next woman see are (a) the face and then (b) body carrying that powerful jacket.

  3. What I'm gonna touch is very much like a reminder to all the Pilots. Cabin air is drier than any desert, so you must drink bottled water every hour. What I noticed is that most of the Pilots I've met, take it nonchalant about skincare regimes. Do you guys know how necessary it is for you to take extra care to the face. Taking care of your skin early is the best way to prevent aging of your skin. 'Facial skin care' is more a matter of discipline than anything else. Another thing, it is not really wise to wipe your face with a "cologned" warm towel. As you are the highest ranking officer in the aircraft, do instruct the cabin crew to just warm the face towel but do not put the cologned on it. It will only make the skin drier. Below are some very easy steps for you guys to take care of your skin.

I am suggesting, perhaps you could keep the travelling pack of the H20 series handy in the briefcase.

Things You'll Need for Normal Skin (easy maintenance skin type)
Cleanser-Toner-Facial Scrub-Exfoliate-Moisturize-Sunblock

  • Cleanse your skin with a cleanser specific for your skin type
  • Toner is the next step in good skin care. Toner refreshes and cleanses the skin. A properly chosen toner restores the skin's natural pH. Toner is applied after cleansing and/or shaving. Allow to dry.
  • The next step for in the morning is to apply a moisturizer.
  • Cleanse, tone and moisturize twice daily, generally morning and night.
  • Twice a week, you will need to exfoliate. Exfoliation for men is dual in nature. When you shave, it does removed dead skin cells along with unwanted hair. This is an added benefit of shaving. But if you want your best skin all day, everyday, it is best to also find an exfoliation product to remove dead skin cells (esp. upper cheek bone area, forehead, jawbone). This also exposes your new skin cells. The skin naturally renews itself every 28 days or so, but if it is not exfoliated, you may notice a buildup of dead skin cells which make the skin look lifeless and dull.
For those who is a bit unfortunate and has troubled with problematic skintype (T-zone area, blemishes etc), don't get uptight about it. No worries!! Allow me to recommend you guys to visit the beautician at Olynn's Wisma Pantai. What sweet, friendly Noni (the beautician) would suggest is that a combi of H20 and Olynn's 1st series product be treated on your face. Following are some of the Olynn Unique's best-selling products:

TEA TREE OIL CLEANSER FOAM - Vitamin A/E/AHA/ BHA/licorice extract Tea Tree Oil, natural plant extract originated from Australia, acts as natural skin recovering agent and anti bacteria. Potassium Myristrate, cleansing agent gentle on skin and prevents dryness. Function – cleans and removes dirt an dead cells without drying skin. The foam acts as antiseptic and moisturizer.

UNIQUE FACIAL SCRUB - Laryl Glucoside Formulated from Corn extract for high definition cleanser containing micro beads effective in removing dead cells and produces clearer and whiter skin.

UNIQUE SUNBLOCK - Titanium Dioxide, Benzophenone 3 Titanium Dioxide, reflects UV A, B, and C from sun rays and protects skin from pigmentation and pimple. Microfine Titanium Dioxide acts as a shield against the sun. Benzophenone 3, protects skin from all UV rays Function – Skin protection from UV rays that causes eneven skintone, redness & premature aging plus acts as a skin shield.

These are some of the suggestions that you might want to keep in mind and look into it seriously as to enable you maintain the "masculine good" and "charming gentleman" looks.

I am very sure that with all the Breitling/Rolex/Franc Muller watches strapped safely on the your hand, aviator sunglasses, Ferragamo loafers on your feet, Versace belt on your waist and the latest tech gadgets playing comfortably in your lifestyle, do combined it with "this very affordable products" TO COMPLETE that "DEBONNAIRE" DASHING-LOOK.
Olynn Day Spa is willing to extend an interesting offer to all MAS Technical Crew and also 'the ever beautiful' Cabin Crew who wish to have facial treatments. To All MAS Pilots & Cabin Crew, The Founder, Puan Noor Azlin has agreed to give a discount of 15% on the package. Just drop by their place at Suite B4-4-4, Wisma Pantai, No. 5, Jalan 4/83A, Off Jln Pantai Bharu 59200 KL or call (Tel : 03-22874044) between 9:30 am - 6pm (Mon-Fri) and 9.30am - 1pm (Sat). Do ask for Ms Noni for appointments.

Don't forget guys to pack (from now on) the H20 travel pack
between the digital camera, PDA, Mac & the Ipod, ok!!

This blog is purely educational for your reading pleasure on extra knowledge. If ever you are offended by my writing, I sincerely apologized then. Happy & safe flying to all :o)

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Are there still hope for Men & Skincare???? ....YESSS

A Thing of beauty is a joy forever
by John Keats

Why is it bila kita start buka mulut about lelaki and the skincare, honestly I often rasa macam men overall most of them, that is; selalu take it too easy when it comes to skin care, it can honestly seem like these two planets were from a completely different orbit altogether and had nothing to do with the other! Lelaki dengan sifat machonya selalu menyangkal the idea of good basic skincare regimes is important together with its product dan rasa if we take them to the skincare counters - it means just a complete waste of time. As for my husband-I think it is just lately (less than 1 year ago) that he started to complain about it especially when the fine lines and wrinkles start appearing round the eye on his face!

Antiaging skin care treatment is something that most men will agree, is both beneficial and necessary. Skin care for wrinkles has been researched and developed for thousands of years because people-both men and women-have tried to fight the inevitable signs of aging. So, while men may not seek out skin care advice with the frequency that women do-they still are trying to prevent those wrinkles for the same reasons that women are!

Kebanyakan lelaki tend to age a little lambat that us women because they do not experience the hormonal shifts and alterations that accompany menopause. It is common for women to need dry skin care products years before men due to this traumatic period. However, if a man is a heavy drinker or has a lot of bad habits, they may very well need the antiaging skin care products before the women!

Listed below are some of the tabiat yang tidak sihat, boleh mempercepatkan wrinkles and fine lines before their time are:
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Drinking too much coffee or any other caffeinated beverage
  • Using dietary supplements made from stimulants
  • Excessive use of laxatives and other temporary constipation remedies made from stimulants
  • Berenang dalam jangkawaktu yang panjang di dalam chlorinated water for tanpa menggunakan the right pelembap and treatment afterwards
  • Too much exposure to the sun especially goes to the Golfers out there! The ultraviolet radiation from the sun penetrates into the skin and damages the collagen and elastin fibers that support skin. When the damage becomes too extensive and the body cannot repair it quick enough, the fibers and collagen will collapse causing the skin above to skin below the surrounding surface and form a wrinkle or fine line Toxins. Toxins cause the body to oxidize oxygen and free radicals are produced as a result. Free radicals damage cells throughout the body and will cause serious medical problems down the road and even increase the signs of aging! Many simple skin care products made to prevent wrinkles are actually making the problem worse because they are made with synthesized or chemical ingredients that the body considers to be toxic!

Any skin care and mens hygiene products used to protect you from the signs of aging should be made from all natural skin care ingredients. There is still hope for skin care and men so long as they remember to avoid behaviors that increase the signs of aging and seek out and USE antiaging remedies before it is too late!

During my fathers' era I noticed that he was never much into good skin care, especially not as much as my late mum. As a quantity surveyor, he was often out from office but he was happy to wash his face with bar soap, shave, slap on an aftershave, and maybe (i think, about setahun sekali throw on some lotion. And sepanjang I membesar, itulah bau yang I recalled of my father. Clean, soapy smelling old fella getting ready to go to the mosque!

But times are changing. Now, men are starting to learn the importance of good skincare. They are starting to realize that treating their skin right will keep them looking their best longer. Like my husband, he too spent quite long in the toilet (ie. checking his skin texture, trimming his nose hair, quick zapped on da zit etc.) Our skin must be cleaned regularly in order to maintain a good complexion. Do you know that unclean skin favors the production of pathogenic organisms? Im sure, you are asking apa ke bende patho... whatever. Yes, kulit muka yang kotor menggalakkan pertumbuhan organisma happens.

Unfortunately as we grown old, our skin ages and cause it to becomes thinner and prone to external damage.If you want to live longer, you should start young and do something about it now. Living with skin cancer are not the best ways of living your life to the fullest as it will disrupts your lives. Nowadays, many skin care product have facial moisturizers with sun protection.

Why Using a Toner as Part of Your Skin Care Regime is Important
As women are experiencing ever increasing demands on their time, many have opted out of using a toner in their skin care regime and only use cleansing and moisturising as the key steps to keeping their skin looking healthy, vibrant and young.

This is however a big mistake, as toning is a very important part of a daily skin care regime. Toning follows the cleansing routine and actually serves some important functions. Toning closes the pores of the skin. Once cleansing of the skin has been completed, the pores tend to be open and therefore slightly enlarged. As a result, moisture can leave the skin, which in return dehydrates the skin. This is not a desired effect on the contrary loss of moisture from the skin is highly undesirable.

Closing of the pores has another benefit. It stops dust and other air born particles from settling in the pores and potentially causing problems. In addition, good quality, natural toners are anti-septic and provides moisture and nutrients to the skin, preparing the skin for the third step in a skin care regime - Moisturising.
Cleansing & mask are also essential for men as well as women. This is because skin is skin. Both men and women need to have their skin cleansed and hydrated. Let me tell you why.A deep cleansing mask, if properly designed, will remove toxins and revitalize your face and neck. Of course, the average products on the market contain more toxins than they will remove. They dry to a hard crust that is difficult to remove which causes redness and inflammation. A good mask does none of those things. After 30 minutes, you simply rinse it off. There is no scrubbing required. The best companies include ingredients that are known to reduce inflammation and redness, since men’s faces are prone to both. If you want the best results, you’ll alternate the deep cleansing mask, with a deep hydrating mask, using each twice a month.

Me and my hubby shares Olynn Tensor Mask.
It has Kaolin, Zink Oxide Kaolin, Fluffy white kaolin clay. Known as the white clay most often called the purest of clays-a form of mud transformed as mask to remove dead cells, unclog pores and absorb excess oil. Zink Oxide, balances skin pH, protects and absorb excess oil and stimulate cell activities. Function – Controls and absorbs excess oil, deep cleansing and removes dead cells.

Tensor Mask- RM 52, 60ml

A Thought to ponder : Memang senang utk kita berbicara tentang keburukan sesuatu produk bila ianya tak mendatangkan hasil yang diingini. But have we ever asked ourselves, samada did we use the product as per the instruction. From the past experience that I have encountered throughout making sales, what I noticed most is that customers selalunya jarang mengikut cara yang betul bila menggunakan sesuatu produk.
One thing for sure, I often reminded all of you to read the instruction pamphlet that I have enclosed together with the product. It is important to understand - -If the instruction suruh kita guna hanya 1-2 drops on the facial cotton, then do follow it by using just 1-2 drops sahaja. BUT NOOOO, because we want fast result (betul ke tidak...), we became ignorant about it! Kita terus je splashed sampai basah on the facial cotton & terus applied it to our face. And this also happened vice versa. Pasal nak jimat the produk - supaya tak cepat habis - kita pun guna terlalu sedikit to get the result.
Dont jump the gun too fast, analyze & THINK ABOUT IT -

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Selamba Hi-Tea Updates

If the money we donate helps one child or can ease the pain of one parent, those funds are well spent.
Carl Karcher

In my busy schedule of driving to-fro school and home in da morning, then off to extend my last respect to my late cousin this afternoon, and setting the journey after asar to the office to settle my workload that has piled up since I have been away on-leave for the whole week which last till 7.30pm, I had a re-defining thoughts about the upcoming "Selamba High-Tea".

Yes..., I want it to be a happy occassion which IT will be, of coz! But as recent news hv been quite disturbing to all of us, in view of all that had happened to the Palestineans especially the innocent babies and children, I had decided that 10% of the proceed would go to the Palestine Relief Fund organized by Mercy Malaysia.

My only doa is that, with Allah's blessings, we are still able to chip-in eventhough mungkin terlambat kerana keadaan amat dasyat dan kejam sekarang. Walau bagaimanapun, diharap jika Selamba Hi-Tea akan berjalan seperti dijadualkan, duit yang bakal terkumpul masih akan dapat disalurkan ke arah menyelamat & membangunkan semula umat Islam di sana.

Therefore, whilst we are there during the "Selamba Hi-Tea" to mingle and get to know each other better, trying out some demo on the samples provided, assessing our skin conditions, having fun with the tidbits and cute finger food, great coffee and getting beauty advise from beautician available; I hope that all of us would be able to pinch a little from our pocket to start purchasing some of the readily available products which I will display at 2 corners inside our cozy venue.

Kalau boleh, I really hope that all would membeli di samping menderma (no guilt then.... - lagi banyak lagi bagus, he he he) as it will be for a good cause.

If our rezeki is more (then donation will also be more - fair enough kan....) during this 1st gathering, then please be ensure that all your efforts in buying the products from skincare to Intimate Series and also paid bookings at Olynn Day Spa would be to support Mercy Malaysia's effort in procuring
emergency surgical kits, additional medicine and hospital equipment which will be channeled to the affected communities in Gaza.

Lagi satu, b4 I lupa, would appreciate for all the FB readers to also invite your friends in your list to also be a member of Olynn - Gift of Beauty Group. My hopes are :
- The more members we get; will enable us to be a great force to be reckon with,
- greater networking,
- create a programme how to be an active sales person under Olynn,
- interested friends yang memang nak beli produk ni tapi tak jumpa agent,
- group of first-timer or late biz bloomers kat rumah tu yang berminat untuk
menjual produk/barangan,
- educate simple and quick steps on correct methods of using the products
- set-up another set of kaki to be organizer for the next perjumpaan,
- able to help menaikkan lagi taraf Olynn ke international branding, slowly but surely
- to be recognized as a group of people with noble causes
- or just plain attend a function that one has been invited to and banyak lagi.

I do this because : (a) I truly enjoy doing it (b) is good (c) u also get pahala as we progressed to see customers having better, healthy skin (d) make many, many new friends.

Support a good cause....

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why....U-niq Coffee???

"Is there life before coffee? There is NO life before coffee. There is life AFTER coffee !!"

Today I am gonna write about coffee. Tahukah anda bahawa coffee yang kita minum dengan penuh nikmat is so full of surprises.
  • coffee has more fibre than orange juice and antioxidants too
  • coffee keeps your mouth moist
  • coffee can improve handwriting
  • through sipping the coffee, it wakes you up
  • coffee does not make you shaky
  • coffee can improve your mood

Sekarang ni there are a lot of coffee drinking trend. For the young, chic corporate people - it is definitely cool to be holding a "Starbuck to-go" cuppa. All these new trendy thingy makes coffee nowadays not just a plain cup of coffee. Let's get real now! With our economic turning as such, not many of us (normal, office workers) can afford Starbuck coffee 24-7; costing us an approximately RM300-400 per month. As for me, yup..I do not mind going to meet up a friend and have a cuppa 2-3x in a month, but I would rather spend it well on my son's enrichment classes.

When exposed to drinking coffee at an early age plus with the travelling that I have done before I had my son, ianya sudah banyak untuk mengajar saya untuk menikmati the right coffee at its best. Unfortunately, we can't often order the best as much as I wanted due to our family norm commitments such as loans, bills, mortgages, enrichment classes, grocery and many more.

Instead, my office cuppa now comes premixed with a variety of powdered herbs to provide the much needed energy booster enabling me to give my best performance in whatever it is that I have set my mind on.

Again I am reminding you that whatever I wrote is about me and the positive effects. In terms of psychology, the mere belief that Lynn's U-niq Coffee has the desired positive effect can influence the performance (ie. work, sports or sexual) of an individual. If a person really believes in a product, then she/he would feel better after consuming it.

I'm gonna bring you all to share the experience (taste, feel) in my daily consumption of U-niq Coffee. Most of the herbs are mainly focussing on man's health and has the same ingredient as the same as U-niq Honey too. I will elaborate on some, ok:

  1. Coffea arabica (pronounced /əˈræbɪkə/) is a species of coffee indigenous to Ethiopia and Yemen. It is also known as the "coffee shrub of Arabia", "mountain coffee" or "arabica coffee". Arabica contains less caffeine than any other commercially cultivated species of coffee
  2. Herba cistanches/broomrape - This plant is sometimes known as orobanch as it is a member of the Orobanchaceae family. The other members of this family are used as aphrodisiacs and to treat sexual problems too.
  3. The miracle root of preservation of life -Radix panax notoginseng (stops bleeding and transforms blood stasis & able to reduce swelling and alleviates pain), will create this coffee sweet towards slightly bitter in taste.
Way of drinking it : as per individual tastebud ya! Me and my hubby like our coffee in da morning to be dark and has a strong concentrated taste. Therefore, Of coz, we modified our coffee - both of us would be sharing 1 sachet of U-niq coffee and pour it into 2 expresso-size cups, just to give us a quick waking up in the morning bzzzzzz.

Apa yang senang about this is, easy packaging, quick, clean and very satisfactory for benefit-wise.

Senang kata, with all the penyelidikan yang sudah dibuat - ianya banyak menunjukkan bahawa this coffee lebih banyak kebaikan dari segi kesihatan dari memudaratkan.

Akhir kata, think about it!

Don't forget to say our prayers for the Palestinian children. Good nite, then

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.