Friday, January 23, 2009

Kepelbagaian Soalan - Why, Why, Why....????

Is skincare Necessary-KENAPA ADA BANYAK JENIS??? What is deionised water????

Kita selalu berhadapan dengan berbagai persoalan dalam kehidupan seharian yang bermula dengan kenapa... why, why, why...... Baru-baru ini I was confronted with a persoalan di mana before I could answer it, the penyoal has given a conclusion that if Olynn is unable to make her skin look radiant, then she would opt for just having a vitamin c injection je laaa.
By all means, the option is open widely for anybody to buy 1 box of Vitamin C : (6 ampoules of 1g/6ml) of Laroscorbine by Bayer at, say the cheapest is RM120. Simple calculation here, making RM20 per ampoule & to administer the shot by a medical practitioner would cost a mere RM 20-30 per visit. One need to have the shot once a week, totalling roughly between RM240-RM300.

Persoalan Why...why ...why is often a dilemma!! We can throw our hard-earned cash to "high-end products", jabs and all BUT if the expensive products is not suitable to yr skin & kita sendiri never take that extra miles/initiatives to jaga our skin (expecting that the injection would do the works), then we are tackling it WRONGLY!! Boleh dikatakan bahawa skincare products ada di merata tempat (Guardian, kedai ubat cina, huge departmental stores dll). If kita mampu, why not - then there will be people who'd opt for Vit C jabs, laser peel, and of coz the latest craze being ....what on earth is all this talk about spa skincare etc. All this can truly be somewhat overwhelming kan!

Kadangkala it is somewhat frustrated to help educate orangramai when mereka semua cuma fikir fast result sahaja. Langsung tak endah about product ingredients, being cost effective (don't they know that economically , it is not that strong to be spending much etc. Kenapa...hah??? I, personally have tried most in the market (creme de la mer, SK II, sothys, dermalogica dan lain-lain). FINALLY, I've found safe, water-based products that would cost a fraction of it (ie. RM 175 for a full set of 4- 60ml bottles of basic necessaties) and does wonders to my face.


Deionized water yang digunakan dalam pembuatan H20 Series adalah purified water yang telah disuling/tapis by other processes including reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, microporous filtration, ultrafiltration, ultraviolet oxidation, or electrodialysis (air yang telah ditapis dari segala kompaun kimia even free of bacteria!). Ianya adalah air that has had its mineral ions removed, such as cations from sodium, calcium, iron, copper and anions such as chloride and bromide. Deionization is a physical process which uses specially-manufactured ion exchange resins which bind to and filter out the mineral salts from water. Because the majority of water impurities are dissolved salts, deionization produces a high purity water. MEMPUNYAI BANYAK FAEDAH SEPERTI :
  • Daya serapan yang lebih tinggi dari air biasa. Cepat menyerap ke sel & tisu kulit muka kita.
  • Deionized water is also used as a medium or additive in many pharmaceutical or cosmetic products, desired for its low chemical reactivity
  • This is what I often buat di ofis, bila I mula rasa mengantuk or malas (after lunch), I would take 4-5 dropsof H20 moisturizer and splashed it on my face. NAK TAU KENAPA: deionised water akan menyegarkan kulit muka saya, mental alertness & make-up last longer.


  • Tanamkan pada diri anda bahawa skincare is NECESSARY coz I am worth it! And because we are worth it, jalan yang terbaik untuk ditampilkan pada diri kita ialah dengan menyayangi dan memanjakan kulit muka kita! Kadangkala kita ni ada masanya do act lebih kurang mcm Patrick dalam siri karton spongebob...BLUR selalu!!! Must ambil langkah-langkah untuk mengenali jenis kulit kita and apa yang diperlukan.
  • Penjagaan kulit muka adalah penting kerana kulit muka setiap orang adalah unik. Terdapat berbagai jenis kulit muka seperti berminyak, kering, sensitif, combination dll
  • Kadang-kadang jenis kulit muka juga berubah kategorinya kerana beberapa sebab seperti puberty, mengandung, menopaus, & selalunya for the married ladies, when using birth control devices jenis kulit yang kita pernah alami adalah bila kulit berminyak- celah hidung akan jadi flaky, when dry skin (kelembapan pulak kurang), sensitif skin (tiba-tiba in da morning, bila tengok cermin - timbul pulak one swelling & kemerahan). Ada juga pernah I tengok, pabila kulit muka yang jenis kering (never make an effort to do something about it) bertukar jadi kulit tebal and timbul pulak ruam kecil plus a bit gatal.
Semua ini boleh diperbaiki or dielakkan jika kita menjaga kesihatan muka kita dengan proper skincare product.

All the above are some tips when our skin start to show some sort of internal imbalance. Jangan ambil tak endah about tis. These various type of skincare product available in the market is necessary to ensure proper balance is given to the skin and getting it back closes or back to normal.

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

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