Thursday, April 23, 2009

Adakah kecantikan itu penting???? Nilaikan

Ivan Panin

Pernah kita terdetik di hati untuk berkata bila kita nampak our BFF ter"attracted" kepada seseorang yang nampak sugguh "tak menyelerakan" dari semua segi (baik paras rupa, dressing, bauan dll).

Ataupun bila kita pergi for temuduga untuk pekerjaan baru and were very qualified for it, tetapi hampa kerana sesuatu organisasi itu telah memilih someone who was younger, thinner, more attractive?

Tahukah anda bahawa topik yang tertulis di atas ini sebenarnya ada tercatat dalam science books and there is a scientific conclusion to the answer to these questions?

Terlalu banyak perhatian telah ditumpukan keatas perkataan diskriminasi di mana ianya berasaskan pada ugama, bangsa, warna kulit, umur & national origin, this form of discrimination adalah satu kepantangan (taboo) in the workplace. Satu asas diskriminasi yang jarang dititikberatkan, yet it is perhaps the most obvious form of favoritism when it comes to job hiring, promotions and social acceptance, both on the job and in society in general…BEAUTY discrimination.
A survey by Timur Kuran and Edward J.McCaffery of the University of Southern California; revealed that respondents consider diskriminasi berasaskan kecantikan parasrupa dan status ekonomi adalah lebih dominan (dalam senyap) then discrimination on ethnicity. Respondents also reported that they themselves have been victimized more by physical appearance and economic status discrimination then ethnic discrimination.

Mengikut penyelidikan, berikut adalah fakta-fakta yang didapati mengenai orang yang dikategorikan sebagai menawan dari semua aspek seperti paras rupa, perwatakan, fizikal, percakapan (attractive), :
  • Adalah 2-5 kali mempunyai peluang untuk diambil untuk bekerja semasa temuduga
  • Bakal menyandang gaji yang lumayan dari orang yang sebaliknya
  • Mempunyai yakni 7x lebih ramai rakan kenalan / GF or BF
Manakala orang yang tergolong di sebaliknya pula, adalah lebih cenderung ke arah:
  • Unattractive people adalah lebih peratusan untuk di buang kerja dahulu (retrenched) semasa ekonomi tidak merangsangkan
  • selalunya orang yang "tidak mempunyai" attractiveness adalah lebih ke arah membuat kerja-kerja yang tidak sihat seperti jenayah
  • berkemungkinan lebih untuk tidak mempunyai peluang kenaikan pangkat di tempat kerja (not saying that the incident happens all the times, but in reality; ada terjadinya kejadian ini)

Kriteria yang membezakan orang yang cantik dan orang yang tidak mempunyai positif karektor yang dibuahkan daripada dalaman (innerself), perwatakan yang dipelajari daripada kecil lagi dan tidak ketinggalan juga media cetak! Yang nyata adalah menjadi seseorang yang "normal dan biasa je" adalah sama status macam "unattractive”. Dalam realiti dunia sekarang, kecantikan paras rupa luaran masih penting .... unfortunately.

Jadi apa kita nak buat pasal paras rupa kita yang kadangkala nampak macam Makcik Kiah "average jane" most of the time (especially lepas masak, after fetching anak from kelas tae kwando, after letih driving from Grocery Shopping).

Jadi apa kita nak buat about all this beauty thingy yang orang semua amik berat sangat ni?????Meh I cadangkan beberapa cadangan (which is relatively easy to buat/maintain) untuk improve our inner beauty appearance first (coz bila kita feel good - good vibes terserlah keluar), sure ramai yang akan tertanya-tanya :

  • Perbanyakkan senyuman di muka kita. Timbulkan rasa "Feel good" about yourself, if you do the reflection of you inside glows on the outside. Kebanyakan orang akan lebih tertarik kepada orang yang mempunyai daya tarikan atau persona yang gembira dan happening (walaupun kita sudah menjangkau umur 40an).
  • Sembahyang, berdoa (Ingat selalu pada yang maha Esa), jangan lupa juga senaman ringan. Try grabbing aura positif dengan melakukan positif things.
  • Gunakan masa kita sepenuhnya dengan benda-benda berfaedah seperti lots of reading, bakings (things that you'd feel great about). Contoh yang I beri are the few things I'd like to do. Reading to me brings joy coz I read just about anything. Therefore, I am able to berceloteh dengan sesiapa saje dari pelbagai umur and yet can be a "hip" person (he hehe). Try me (from gozzips, journals, chic lit, music mags, biographies etc). Bina hobi/skil secara perlahan tetapi dengan jayanya agar dapat dilakukan dengan efektif di persekitan.
  • Dress in a stylish clothing appropriate to your age. Jika dah melampui umur 40an, tak perlulah kita dress low cut tight tops that show too much cleavage and tight jeans that show the crack of the butt when you sit down. See what is good to our body size. Walaupun mungkin (high cut bootleg jeans is in wiz Victoria Beckham wearing it but if it does not suit you......just don't then!) Learn to use good judgment when buying clothes, focusing on quality and affordability, not brands and labels. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to look good.
  • Perbetulkan gaya kita berdiri dan berjalan. Head held high, it greatly improves self-esteem and can be an instant fix.
  • Kebersihan atau Personal hygiene is a big one here. Ingat takde orang yang nak berdamping dengan orang yang ada bau badan. Shower and wash your hair often, once every other day is fine.
  • Body language and the message it sends forth. Cakap dengan penuh keyakinan (jangan pandang bawah) and never establish eye contact, the message is that the person may not be able to trust you or yo are unsure of yourself.
  • The truth is that good grooming and projecting a clean, neat image are effective ways to build better self-esteem and achieve goals.

Bila i baru start buat all this cheap and efektif perubahan pada diri I (ramai pula yang tertanya samada I baru je do a haircut ke?, muka nampak lain - muda sikit la dll). Sebenarnya tidak, I have decided to just tukar everything about me (ie. only my innerself - be it positive thinking, good vibes, aura etc). Since I mempunyai banyak perancangan only da best for my kid, jadi things that I can economized dalam hal rupadiri I atau things in da everyday household which I can do without for the month, then I would do so. Ini dinamakan pengorbanan ibu. Since i do want to spend as much time with my only boy selain daripada waktu kerja, and cut my spending at the saloon - then my next opt would be making my own home facial mask with everyday things you can get from the kitchen. This as a matter of fact, had created special bonding between me and my son because hanya dia saje yang dapat lihat ibu dengan muka bertepek dengan masker and experimenting with things di dapur.

Ini baru one example you could do for fun. Do lots of reading, surf the net, experiment with exciting concoction and bottomline, BE HAPPY DOING IT. MAKE SURE IT'S SIMPLE, STRESS FREE. Nak jadi gembira bukan hanya dengan satu petik, belajar untuk jadi happy and InsyaAllah we can be a better person.

Sebenarnya secara jujur, it is quite sickening to think “average looking people” have to do anything to make a better impression on others in the more “desireable realm. I really do feel that there should be some legislation making beauty discrimination a crime. Truth be told that malah bila berdepan dengan juri di mahkamah, the more attractive lawyer would have a more favorable outcome then one who was less attractive whether the client was guilty or innocent. Its those “average” looking politicians that we need to address this issue with, after all those beautiful ones most likely feel this is not an issue at all.

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Treat Yourself to Olynn Day Spa

O’Lynn Day Spa provides Facial and Body Treatment.

Jika anda tanya pada diri anda sendiri, kenapa nak treat yourself to a spa, dan masih tercari-cari jawapan, berikut adalah artikel khas buat anda.

Sebab yang paling atas sekali dalam list adalah tidak lain daripada fakta : you deserve some pampering. Jika masa, masalah kewangan dan tidak dapat meluangkan masa untuk pergi bercuti, maka going to one of these is the next best thing. Secara umum, kebanyakan daripada kita bila cakap saje pasal spa, akan terus memikirkan proses urut. The majority of people enjoy massages, tetapi bukan semua. Its knowing this, that makes the difference between beauty resorts and massage establishments.

The O’Lynn Day Spa is situated at Wisma Pantai, Kuala Lumpur and features the latest and elegant state-of-the-art facilities and comprises of variety of innovative treatments for men and women represented with a superb staff including some of the industry's most highly trained professionals.

Pengetahuan tentang kemudahan dan servis yang disediakan di spa adalah kunci untuk menjawab the question why treat yourself to a spa. As we previously mentioned all them will offer some type of massage. Terdapat beberapa jenis urutan seperti Urutan ala Swedish yang agak keras (personally for me) kerana it is firm and manipulating, then there's the aromatherapy massage that is relaxing. Moving on from the massages you can take advantage of the many types of facials that are offered. They can be therapeutic, rejuvenating or relaxing. If you're undecided then talk it over with your therapist.

Jika ada belum pernah mendapat khidmat pedicure, then this is a must on your list of what you want. Ianya adalah pengalaman yang paling relaxing that a person could have. Malah ada sebahagian daripada salun yang menyediakan reflexology then include it as well. Afterwards you will feel like you are walking on a cloud, plus feel like your body is totally in balance. Its not too likely you will be able to just walk in and have a service performed. Most of them are booked up several days in advance and a appointment is required ahead of time.

My pengalaman. Pabila sampai di bilik spa, anda akan tercium akan bau of the body oil, bath oil, lotion, cream, body scrub and bath tea and soap yang ada tertera di atas laci. You akan rasa macam entering L'occitane or an apothecary’s shop. The lotion and cream smelled sweet, tak terlalu overpowering – the perfect combination. Malah dalam spa box/ruang mandi akan dapat kita rasakan atau bau haruman with a spicy aroma, like something you would use for cooking.

Jika u jenis orang yang tak suka badan berminyak, jangan risau jika disyorkan urutan dengan minyak khas yang disediakan. Normally, I hate body oil, not wanting to feel greased up. But this light lotion immediately soaked into my skin leaving it glowing instead of greasy. I enjoyed the smell also, Not that bad, cuma menusuk ke hidung je. And with plenty of vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6 and more) I not only look good but am fortifying my skin as well.

Kemudian bila sudah mandi, badan akan dilumurkan dengan losyen. Even just the smell perked me up – spicy and a little bit peppery. Apparently tangerines are good for your circulation and fluid retention so I applied the lotion to my scaly parts and pretty much everywhere else I could reach. The light lotion left me feeling moisturized and smelling delicious.

Semasa mandi tadi, cucian yang digunakan the shower cream also amat menyegarkan. The shower cream is perfect to help you wake up on those I-can’t-open-my-eyes mornings. Of coz, dalam kita sibuk mengeringkan badan, teh herba was offered to me - PERFECTO!

Kebanyakan daripada rumusan bahan-bahan ini banyak menggunakan halia, lengkuas kerana ianya excellent at stimulating circulation. Again, I felt my eyes open a little wider (and my sinuses clear) at the exotic smell. Some spa menyediakan kita mandi wap which is memberikan kesan yang amazing khas buat kaum wanita. Ramuan dalam mandi wap terdiri daripada dried lemongrass and ginger powder. Plus, ini semua adalah baik untuk relieves tissue problems and stress-related problems as well.

Hopefully this has given you some insight as to why you should treat yourself to a spa.

Useful tips for Olynn Day Spa Members:
Main Office
Suite B-4-4, Tower BWisma Pantai No. 5, Jalan 4/83A
Off Jalan pantai Bharu59200 Kuala Lumpur

  • 10% discount on face and body treatment at O’Lynn Day Spa.
  • 10% discount for any product purchase at O’Lynn Head Office, Wisma Pantai.
  • Members will be kept informed of any special promotion via special write-up and bulletin.
  • Members will receive special bulletin write-up on quarterly basis.
  • Birthday Bonus compliments from O’Lynn, cards and small gifts.
  • Members will be presented with a specially designed card.
  • Membership fee of RM50.00 per person.
  • Yearly subscription fee of RM30.00 will be borne by members.
  • O’Lynn reserves the right to make any changes or alteration to the membership fees and promotions and to refuse any membership application.
  • Membership is non-transferable.
  • Membership card will be delivered by mail.

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Alpha Hydroxy Acids: Good or Bad?

Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion . .... . .
I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids: Good or Bad?

The term ?alpha hydroxy acids? kian semakin bertambah fofular dikalangan kita semua who are conscious of the beauty products that we use for our skin. Malah ada terdapat syarikat yang mengeluarkan produk rawatan kulit yang menggunakan produk yang mengandungi alpha hydroxy acid as a focal point di dalam kempen pemasaran mereka. JADI APA ITU alpha hydroxy acids?

Vitamin A/E/AHA/ BHA/gingko extract
Gingko Bibola extract effective in increasing blood and lymph node circulation, encourages the
stimulation of free-radical discharges and act as moisturizer to improve skin texture.

Alpha hydroxy acids, or AHA for short, are compounds yang diekstrak daripada gula yang didapati dari susu dan buah-buahan. Alpha hydroxy acids sememangnya sinonim dengan kesan efektif dalam menyegarkan/menyihatkan kulit muka, membuat kedutan hilang dan menyembuhkan kesan kerosakan yang disebabkan oleh proses penuaan pada kulit kita. AHA does this by exfoliating (menanggalkan sel kulit mati) dead cells off the skin, yakni akan merangsangkan penumbuhan kulit baru .. AHA juga dapat merangsangkan produksi elastin dan collagen, di mana kedua bahan asas ini bertanggungjawab dalam mengurangkan kedutan dan kegebuan/ketegangan di kulit muka.

Sekarang ini kita boleh dapati AHA dalam a wide range of beauty products ? eye creams, moisturizers, foundations, toners, cleansers and facial masks. Walaubagaimanapun, seperti produk penjagaan kulit yang lain, AHA mesti digunakan dengan hati-hati dan mengikut kawalan yang sepatutnya, bukan sewenang-wenangnya kerana it is not a "miracle portion".

Jika dilakukan dengan salah atau berlebihan, AHA boleh merosakkan kulit juga. Ironically, as much as AHA can cure photoaging damage, it can also increase the skin?s likelihood to get damage from photoaging. Kesan pigmentasi yang buruk selalu dikait bersama dengan penggunaan yang berlebihan bahan AHA. Maka dengan itu, adalah harus kita titikberatkan semasa applying alpha hydroxy products on our skin. For me, cara yang terbaik adalah (a) periksa koleksi penjagaan kulit muka yang sedia ada, dan (b) pilih satu atau dua produk yang mengandungi AHA, dan I selangselikan dengan produk yang TIDAK mengandungi AHA. Dengan cara ini, fakta menunjukkan ianya dapat mengurangkan risiko of getting our skin irritated.

Adalah disyorkan untuk agar bahan AHA terdapat di dalam your exfoliant and your moisturizer. AHA, after all, basically works as an exfoliant, dan pelembap which we apply is always left on to let the skin absorb it. Kulit harus serap bahan AHA dalam produk tertentu ini untuk ianya nampak berkesan, adalah tidak berbaloi menggunakan produk AHA dalan pembersih muka kerana ianya akan dibasuh sebelum AHA boleh menyerap dalam kulit muka.

Seperti biasa, saya mesti sarankan kepada semua agar Always, always, always use a sunscreen or sunblock when using a product with an active alpha hydroxy acid ingredient. Sentiasa ingat bahawa dengan adanya AHA, it increases our skins vulnerability to damage from sunlight. Jangan kedekut dalam memakai sunscreen/sunblock especially the part of the skin treated with AHA, is a definite must in order to protect the skin from the negative effects of exposure to sunlight.

Oleh kerana penggunaan yang berlebihan baha alpha hydroxy acid can be dangerous to the skin, harus diperhatikan bahawa kita hanya menggunakan produk yang mempunyai tahap AHA yang betul di dalam satu-satu produk penjagaan kulit. The ideal AHA concentration in any product should be around 5% to 8%, and with a pH level of three or four. Any more can do more damage than good for our skin.

INGAT YE....Alpha hydroxy acids, on a reasonable level, are good for the skin. Care in their use should be exerted, however, or else a good thing can only become bad.

Fikir-fikirkan bersama. Now go to your medicine cabinet or vanity table (atau kat mana2 yang you dah display your set jagaan kulit and start reading the ingredients/label at the back of each beauty product.

Betul la tu (everything boils down to our belief).... seperti yang pernah dinyatakan dalam Firman Nabi...semua yang dilakukan dalam kehidupan perlukan kesederhanaan (baik makan, perbuatan, percakapan, tidur, exercising at the gym, makan ubat ... everything is in moderation). If ever we abaikan, and go for the extreme or overlyexert ourselves, we can sometimes jadi lalai dan terus mengabaikan Yang Maha Esa. Be thankful dengan apa yang dikurniakan. Tingkatkan usaha ke arah hidup yang lebih afdal. Always remember the Almighty. Insya-Allah kebaikan sahaja yang dilimpahi kepada kita dalam hidup yang sementara ini.

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mengurut : Facial and All

I'm not a healer and I'm not a doctor, he would say, I'm just a mechanic.Lauren Berry

Info Berkenaan Facial Treatment
Seperti yang diketahui ramai rawatan facial adalah satu jalan mudah untuk mengurangkan "tension" dan "stres" malah dapat menjauhkan dari terjadinya kedutan di kulit muka. Rawatan facial juga dapat melembutkan dan mengeluarkan (exfoliate) sel-sel kulit mati di muka, dan merangsangkan sekularasi kulit. Urutan dimuka hanya memerlukan beberapa minit dan boleh dilakukan di mana-mana sahaja. As a matter of fact, I even conduct a quickie facial (15-30mins) which consists of cleansing, exfoliate and mask for a minimal charge of RM15-00 during lunch hour at my office. Oleh itu, rawatan facial adalah bagus untuk meningkatkan tahap kesihatan dan kecantikan.

The O’Lynn Day Spa is situated at Wisma Pantai, Kuala Lumpur and features the latest and elegant state-of-the-art facilities and comprises of variety of innovative treatments for men and women represented with a superb staff including some of the industry's most highly trained professionals

Di zaman moden kita sekarang ini di mana masyarakat memandang tinggi atas perwatakan, personaliti dan kecantikan, tak ketinggalan juga kadar stres yang tinggi telah menjadi sebahagian besar dari kehidupan seharian telah membuahkan rawatan facial yang kian mendapat tempat di hati masyarakat kita. Rawatan facial membolehkan pengurangan kesan penuaan dan meringankan beban stres kerana kini semakin popular dengan terdapatnya rawatan hebat untuk melegakan migrain dan
tension headaches. Terdapat banyak salun-salun rawatan di sekitar Kuala Lumpur (termasuk OLYNN DAY SPA) offering daily massages kepada para pelanggan to decrease stress, improve concentration, reduce fatigue and boost self-confidence.

Terdapat berbagai jenis facial di salun-salun kecantikan/rawatan yakni terpulang ke atas budibicara pakar kecantikan, pilihan pelanggan, jenis herba atau krim yang digunakan termasuk stail urutan yang diberikan oleh pakar itu. Kebiasaannya pakar kecantikan akan melakukan teknik urutan "circular strokes" that is widely used at beauty clinics and spas. Kadangkala essential oils, herbs, cold or hot stones or a variety of these are added to a standard face massage to aid in relaxation and pleasure or to improve circulation. Kebanyakan urutan facial muka dilakukan sama dengan urutan kepala di mana mempunyai variasi yang sama dengan Indian head massage.

Membuat facial dapat memberi banyak faedah daripada pengurangan kedutan dan relakskan otot muka. Jika dilakukan dengan baik, setiap strokes used during face massages dapat membantu memecahkan toxin dan memperbaiki perjalanan darah, ianya juga dapat melegakan rasa tension, keletihan, sinua dan migrain. Facial juga dapat membantu mengurangkan juga facial puffiness by relaxing the muscles and stimulating blood flow beneath the skin. Facial juga terbukti merangsangkan production of collagen, perjalanan darah, menambahkan oksigen di muka dan menegangkan kulit muka. Plus, it feels wonderful.

Facial melibatkan kepelbagaian teknik dan pergerakan, khususnya memfokus pada pressure points located on the face. A standard face massage lasts from 20 to 40 minutes, and may be included as part of a head, shoulders or full-body massage. Urutan (samada muka atau badan) boleh dilakukan dalam posisi duduk atau tidur, menggunakan krim atau minyak, or as part of a facial involving the use of heated stones, ointments or exfoliation.

In most spas that perform face massages, the recipient lies face up on a massage table. The therapist stands at the head of the table while performing the massage, and the recipient remains clothed throughout the procedure. Facial selalunya adalah amat merelakskan. Banyak antara kita (I know termasuk I sekali) fall asleep during or shortly after the massage. Most therapists usually permit a short nap of 10 to 20 minutes following a face massage.

Yang Harus Dititikberatkan, jangan diabaikan:
Tidak semua sesuai untuk melakukan facial, terutamanya those with skin disorders or conditions that affect circulation in the head or neck. Semua kesan make-up harus ditanggalkan sebelum facial untuk menghidari sebarang skin irritation, and facial massage should always be performed using a light stroke. Because of the delicate nature of facial skin, and the risk of ruptured blood vessels and bruising, face massages should not last more than 30 minutes in most cases. Creams or oils should not be used on those with sensitive skin or a history of allergies.

Five Surprising Benefits of Massage:

The newest cure-all may be an ancient one: simple touch. The Chinese have been using massage for all kinds of medical conditions for centuries. Sekaranga baru sahaja orang Barat membuat penyelidikan dan mengesahkan bahawa proses mengurut bukan sahaja untuk kesakitan otot. Salah satu yang paling mengejutkan bahawa urutan turut membantu bayi premature untuk meningkat berat badan mereka. When Tiffany Field, a professor of pediatrics, became a new mother, she massaged her premature infant daughter and was so impressed with the results she later founded the Touch Research Institute (TRI) at the University of Miami School of Medicine. Proses urutan, terbukti meninggikan tahap imuniti dan membantu ramai manusia yang mempunyai masalah daripada sindrom premenstrual to high blood pressure. Ia juga dapat melegakan kesakitan daripada arthritis, burns and even surgery. Here are five surprising facts about massage from the research findings at TRI and elsewhere that you can put to use:

1. Pick Your Spot: Tidak semestinya anda terus memilih bahagian badan yang paling sakit untuk diurut. Jika malu untuk menyuruh pengurut bahagian belakang anda yang sakit, beliau boleh mulakan dengan mengurut bahagian bahu dahulu. This is because massage creates chemical changes that reduce pain and stress throughout the body. One way it does this is by reducing a brain chemical called substance P that is related to pain. In a TRI study, for example, individuals with a form of muscle pain called fibromyalgia showed less substance P in their saliva (and they reported reduced pain) after a month of twice-weekly massages.

2. De-Stress, Stay Healthy. Massage may boost immunity. Several studies have measured the stress hormone called cortisol in subjects' saliva sebelum dan selepas sessi mengurut, dan mendapati dramatic decreases. Cortisol, which is produced when you are stressed, kills cells important for immunity, so when massage reduces your stress levels and hence the cortisol in your body, it may help you avoid getting a cold or another illness while under stress.

3. Blood Pressure Benefits: Massage mengurangkan hypertensi, suggests a good deal of research. This may be because it stimulates pressure receptors that prompt action from the vagus nerve, one of the nerves that emerges from the brain. The vagus nerve regulates blood pressure, as well as other functions. In a 2005 study at the University of South Florida, hypertension patients who received 10 massages of 10 minutes each over three weeks showed significant improvements in ketinggian tahap darah compared to a control group who simply rested in the same environment without any massage.

4. Technique Tactics: There's little evidence to support one kind of massage over another, says Field, so don't worry about whether your therapist is schooled in Shiatsu, Swedish or some other technique. The key is pressure firm enough to make a temporary indentation in the skin. If you try massage with a partner, use massage oil, which you can find in a health-food store or pharmacist, but test a little on your skin first to make sure you are not allergic.

Fast relief for both men and women can be found in our Spa. O’Lynn Day Spa Packages include the use of sauna, deluge shower, personal locker, spa robe and slippers.

5. Self Help. You can massage yourself. Although you don't have to massage the part of the body that hurts to relieve pain, targeting that area does tend to help more. One example is massaging the arms. If you're in danger of developing inflamed nerves in your hands or arms from repetitive movements (like typing on a keyboard, or even gripping a steering wheel for hours at a time) try massaging your arms for 15 minutes a day. Stroke from the wrist to the elbow and back down on both sides of the forehand.

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.