Wednesday, January 7, 2009

U-Niq Honey: Man- Can Live with or w/out Them

Every Woman Has The Right to be Beautiful by Elizabeth Arden

Skin Care Myth : Expensive is Better : SO NOT TRUE - There are SOME GREAT inexpensive products and some TERRIBLE products that are very expensive. Don't think just because you are spending a lot of money, you are getting a better product. If you find a product that you think will work for you, research and try a sample, if available.

I have been meaning to talk about this for some time. But due to the fact that it is my son's first year at school, I've decided to take a week off from work and enjoy the moment.

To relate on the above topic, it so happened that my son has asthma and it was during some of his frequent attacked of asthma, my aunty telah menasihatkan I to give him madu as part of his daily supplement. Thats how madu came into our everyday life. Being open and tak nak mengecilkan hati my aunt, I pun ikut the regime but of coz, at the back of my head, I still tertanya-tanya what has madu got to do with lelah.

After about 6 months, we could see the changes. Memang betul, now he seldom got the attack and I masukkan madu into his daily intakes (1 spoonful of it). Dalam tak percaya, I still do a bit of research just to ease my mind on this aspect. Below is an article for your info.

Honey is also exceptionally effective for respiratory ailments. One Bulgarian study of almost 18,000 patients found that it improved chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, chronic and allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. It's an effective treatment for colds, flu, respiratory infections and a generally depressed immune system. Whereas sugar shuts down the immune system, a good quality honey will stimulate it into action. (this was taken from an article from care2 make a difference)

U-niq Honey (5 sachets of 18gm) = RM60

Just to make a point (I enable me to write about this), One day recently, I was down with a bad flu, coughing and about to get my asthma attack (with me being bz, x dpt cuti lak and still balik lambat dari ofis), and bila sampai rumah, I dah rasa too malas to go to the doctor or pharmacy, I decided to just utilized 1 box of the u-niq honey available stock at home. With just normal panadols and taking whole 5 sachets of it, temperature goes down and flu was cleared the next day. Do not follow my methodology - Sorry about this, I am not much of a person who follows the every 6-8 hrs medication intakes, I just popped every 2 hrs - 2 panadols, 1 ventolin pill and 1 sachet of u-niq honey mixed with lemon and warm water. I'd be dozing off then when awaken, I'd do the same as before. Hey...then again, it worked well for me! No wheezing, nose all cleared and fever pun dah takde.

Tanpa buang masa...meh kita crite more about Honey - Nature's most flexible creation. Yup...that sticky, runny, viscous, butter-texture, deliciously sweet, - it is as much a sensual experience as it is a delicious indulgence. Let's huraikan the 3-key health benefits:

(a) Nature's Energy Booster

(b)Great Immunity System Builder

(c) Natural Remedy for Some Ailments

- It is a natural source of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy to our bodies; instantly boosting the performance endurance and reduce muscle fatigue espe. for athletes.

- It can be a powerful immune system booster. Honey's antioxidant and anti-bacterial can help improve digestive system and help you stay healthy and fight disease.

- Madu selalu kita gunakan secara perubatan asli di rumah. This was what my arwah nenek buat for my cousin bila ada luka/melecet yang dah naik gelembung. Apart from sapu the normal ubat kuning, she also urut the luka with honey (tak banyak, just very thin layer of it). that time, semua cucu-cucu gelak coz we said eventually my cousin's luka akan dihurung semut... manis kan! BUT that tak terjadi langsung. Apa we don't know is that madu has been used as a natural cure in first aid treatment for burns, wounds and cuts as it is able to absorb moisture from the air and promote healing. Madu juga ada acti-bacterial properties preventing infection and has anti-flammatory agent (reducing swelling and pain)

- Banyak kaedah perubatan secara asli (dilakukan di rumah saje) yang menggunakan madu seperti penawar sakit tekak, insomnia, a terrific moisturizer for face and body & for the age-fighting effects, all madu contain antioxidants that appear to block skin-cell damaging free radicals.

- Madu juga mempunyai nilai-nilai therapeutic dalam kaedah ayurveda. Kegunaaan madu dilakukan secara therapeutic dalam amalan ashtanga hridaya memberi maksud yakni madu adalah bagus untuk pengelihatan, menghilangkan dahaga, mengurangkan efek atau kesan keracunan, dissolves kapha (bagi yang bukan kaki yoga- Untuk info : This dosha represents water and earth. Kapha is stable, moist, cool and heavy. Kapha types are slow and grounded, even serene. An imbalance in kapha leads to congestion and excess weight. Kapha dosha governs the structural integrity of the body, from giving it mass and stability to protecting it from the outside environment) dan banyak lagi. Tak perlulah saya huraikan satu per satu ok.

- AND BEST OF ALL, HONEY AS AN APHRODISIAC. Ini yang I maksudkan! Men, at any age (tak kira bangsa) all tried; at least once in a lifetime to some and most make it into habitual consumption due to the above clause. The use of honey as an aphrodisiac is also mentioned in the Kama Sutra and The Perfumed Garden. Even in ancient times, it is often said that honey spiced with buah pala is said to heighten an orgasm. Can anybody vote to that? If there is, do leave your comment then.

In U-NIQ HONEY - Apart from pure honey, the ingredients includes many famous chinese traditional herbs with powerful benefits such as :

  • setelah mendalami khasiat pure honey, didapati juga ramuan seperti Semen Cuscuta seed, also known as Tu-Si-Zi, is used in China for kidney deficiency and is one of the commonly used Chinese Herbs. Cuscuta seed has a high content of flavonoids and has strong antioxidant properties. Cuscuta seed has been found in studies to have kesan-kesan positif dalam hal sperma lelaki and motility, memperkencangkan organ-organ dalam sistem pembiakan, and has antioxidant benefits.

  • ginseng roots are taken orally as adaptogens, aphrodisiacs, nourishing stimulants,[citation needed] and in the treatment of type II diabetes, including sexual dysfunction in men.

  • Cordyceps membantu dalam meningkatkan stamina, energy levels, and endurance plus C. sinensis is considered to benefit paru-paru and buah pinggang. It is commonly used with the elderly in China as a type of "super-ginseng" for rejuvenation and stamina.

  • Also has one of the most expensive herb also known as saffron, Topically, it is applied to improve the skin condition overall and specifically to treat acne. Internally, it is used to improve blood circulation, regulate menstruation, treat digestive disturbance, ease cough and asthmatic breathing, reduce fever and inflammation, calm nervousness, and alleviate depression ....

  • HAH AMAZING KE TIDAK!!!! BETUL TAK APA YANG I ALAMI... out there, apa tunggu lagi- Start ordering ok. Apa yang I dah senaraikan adalah only some of the life's natural giving benefits of U-niq Honey.

This caption yang I baru baca pulak says Some nutritionists even warn not to take honey and Vitamin E, if you have been drinking within last 24 hrs as the trio combi pumps the energizers through the system and can work in reverse - focussing on the downer rather than the upper (uhmmmm, if u know what I mean)!!!!

Go get one tonight..... With that note, drive safe, be happy and also work hard it making your better half, happier :)


Cherrio then.

This blog act as a Retail Counter for those interested in purchasing the products, you call me at 012-9739941 or email me at for orders, payment and delivery method. Delivery is available for orders above RM100 within Klang Valley.

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